Data And Privacy Policy

Data And Privacy Policy

Smith’s Smokery is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and the ways in which your personal data is used. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to our processing please contact

We will use your information to provide and personalise our service. We will also use your contact details to communicate with you. We may use your information to send you offers and news about Smith’s Smokery and products or services which we think may be of interest to you. We may contact you by post, email, telephone or fax for these purposes.

We will never pass your personal data to anyone else.The information collected from you at the time you place an order (on you or those you gift to) will be stored in our database and is used purely to carry out your instructions and action your payment. There are NO circumstances under which, this information might be passed to a third party. We are signed up to the Date Protection Act via Information Commissioners Office and take our obligations under this piece of legislation very seriously.