A Day on the Fens

The pictures show the emptying of traps set on a small Lincolnshire river.

A Day on the Fens

The pictures show the emptying of traps set on a small Lincolnshire river.

Traps are set along the bottom of the river and checked every 2-3 days. Catches vary from day to day, sometimes good sometimes poor but by the end of the year the overall catch for many years now has remained the same.

We fish a variety of different waters throughout the year from lakes and resevoirs to rivers and tidal estuaries and even the open sea.

Although the pictures show us fishing on a calm sunny day most of our time is spent fishing on bleak windswept tidal waters often raining and cold, fishing in water flowing faster than you can walk.

We then transport our catch back to our storage facility where they are kept live in aerated tanks for around 2-3 weeks. They are kept for this long in clear running water to clean them through  so they are in prime condition when ready for smoking.